About Us

Begin Family Farm is a vegetable and small fruit farm in Hollis, New Hampshire.  We offer fresh, high-quality vegetables grown following organic practices at local farmers markets, online, through a CSA, at retail locations and restaurants.

Jeff Begin
Jeff Begin and his family of four have lived in Hollis since 2013, where the farm is now located.  Jeff left a nearly twenty year software engineering career in big tech to start his farm, driven mainly by a frustration with the quality of produce at the grocery store.  It didn't seem to matter if it was an expensive grocery or any other store, the freshness and variety of produce was always disappointing.

Coming from a multigenerational family of farmers on Prince Edward Island, Jeff has been a gardener since he was five years old when he setup his first garden (with some help, of course).  Since then, he's never been without a garden, even growing tomatoes in buckets outside apartments in college.

Gardens at the Begin family home in Hollis expanded every year since 2013, until they produced far more than a family of four could use.  That then became Begin Family Farm.

We are proud of how we grow and believe in honesty and transparency.  Be sure to check out our How We Grow page for all details you could ever want.

Give us a try and see the difference for yourself!