In 2024, we offer a few convenient weekly CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) options to make getting the freshest, high-quality vegetables easy.  You're also helping to support an independent, local family farm from year to year by buying CSA shares early in the season, which helps us buy supplies and grow more.

Click here to signup for our CSA

You can conveniently signup for our CSA online and we'll follow up with more details as the season gets closer.  Until then, everything you would ever want to know is on this page.  If we missed something, please don't hesitate to contact us.

What makes us different


Why buy from our farm?  We grow all of our own produce (we don't resell) and we only use specific organic products and practices, what we call "chemical-free".  We think this puts our produce head and shoulders above the grocery stores.

All of our growing practices are detailed on our How We Grow page.  We believe in honesty and transparency so please do not hesitate to contact us with any specific questions about our growing practices.

Take a farm tour!

Farmer Jeff

Before you sign up for our CSA, do you have questions about how we grow?  Want to see for yourself before you pay for a whole season?  We don't blame you!  Farmer Jeff would be thrilled to show you around and talk your ear off about what we do (Stacy, his wife, is tired of hearing about it, so do her a favor).

Just visit our contact page and request a farm tour and we'll get one scheduled for you.

What's included

Our CSA season runs 18 to 22 weeks, depending on the weather. Usually starting middle/end of May through the middle of October, we try to run it as early and late as possible.

Bountiful harvest

Each week that the CSA runs you'll receive a box of what we're harvesting that week. We will try to include baby lettuce and/or lettuce heads in each week's box so you can have salads all summer. Although getting lettuce each week is a high priority for us, nature sometimes has her own plans so we can't guarantee it.

Similarly we can't guarantee exactly what will be in each box each week, but we plan to grow the following crops for our CSA customers this year:

Head lettuce
Baby lettuce
Heirloom tomatoes
Cherry tomatoes
Plum tomatoes
Cucumbers, pickling and English
Peppers (sweet and hot varieties)
Eggplant, Italian and Turkish
Summer squash and zucchini 
Winter squash
Kale, curly and Tuscan
Onions and shallots
Scallions/spring onions

Some of the listed crops will fail, so we can't guarantee you'll receive everything on this list, but this is what we plan to grow.

CSA options and prices

Our CSA is sold by the share, and we offer two types of shares: a full share for about four people and a half share for about two people.  You can buy more than one share and combine the two types of shares. A half share is about $20 of produce per week, a full share is about $40 of produce a week.

Credit card price

Because all credit card processors take a hefty chunk from each transaction, we have to add a 3% fee for all credit card transactions.  The prices when paying by credit card are:
  • Full share, pickup - $695
  • Full share, delivery (see below) - $745
  • Half share, pickup - $360
  • Half share, delivery (see below) - $410

These are the prices listed on our online store.

Cash, check, Venmo price

You can get a discount if paying by Cash, Check or Venmo.  Just select "Cash, Check or Venmo" as your payment method at checkout. The cash/check/Venmo prices are below.

  • Full share, pickup - $675
  • Full share, delivery (see below) - $725
  • Half share, pickup - $350
  • Half share, delivery (see below) - $400

Please note the price in your cart will still be the credit card price, but only send us payment for the prices listed above.  We're sorry if this is a little confusing, please email Farmer Jeff at jbegin@beginfamilyfarm.com or on our contact page to sign up the ol' fashioned way, we're happy to help you that way too.

You can mail your payment to:

Begin Family Farm LLC
296 Broad St
Hollis NH 03049

Make checks payable to Begin Family Farm LLC.

Or pay via Venmo to @Jeff-Begin-2.

To sign up, select your option, order and pay conveniently online.

Pickup and delivery options

You have three methods for getting your CSA box each week:

  1. Farmers market pickup.  In 2024, we will be at the Bedford Farmers Market on Tuesday afternoons and Milford Farmers Market on Saturdays.  Tell us which market you'd like to pick up from and we'll bring your box to that market every week.  Also note that you get a 10% discount on anything extra you may buy from us at the farmers market; see the Other benefits section below.
  2. Local delivery ($50 annual fee).  We will deliver your CSA box every week for a $50 fee (covers the whole year) if your delivery location is in Nashua, Hollis, Brookline or Amherst.
  3. Pickup at the farm.  We will meet you at our farm during a designated time window for pickup.

If you change your mind at some point during the season and want to change your delivery or pickup option, just contact us and we'll change things.  We can usually accommodate special exceptions as well, just contact us.

Other benefits

Being a CSA member entitles you to a 10% discount on any additional produce you buy from us on our online store or at the farmers market.

How to sign up

Signup is easy: select your option from our online store, add it to your cart and pay using our convenient online checkout.

Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions or requests and we will be happy to assist.

Once you sign up and before the season begins, you will receive an email with more information.  We will also keep you updated via email throughout the season with any changes and what we expect to harvest soon.